Tuesday, November 27, 2012


"Why would a person hide their light under a bushel?

1) Their special-ness is evident, but they lack the self-confidence needed to present it!

2) They don't want to show up  the lackluster crowd, they hang with...their friends.

3) Their light was pushed down early in childhood. They start to believe that's the way things should be.

4) They don't want to do the work to cultivate it...hone it!

5) Fear

Which one of these reasons is shouting out at you?

In order to live a life of abundance and greatness, to stay in the light, you must "step-up" and showcase your God-given talents! DON'T HOLD BACK and DON'T HIDE!
Rise above the negative talk (from self and insignificant others) and show your stuff to the world!

Mt 5:16
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."

Monday, November 26, 2012

.....sometimes we tend to self criticize, harshly.Today, embrace this idea.."I am not perfect, but the fact that I always do my best, keeps me shining and on point!"
... Stay in the light! ♥

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Little Things by Paula Brown

Marie took one more bow from the stage; the cheering crowd was on it's feet. Shouts of "Bravo!",resounded in the Music Hall, as she finally exited the stage to her dressing room. Once there, she sat at her vanity and read congratulatory notes from all over the world. Well wishes and flowers from kings and queens lined the tiny dressing room wall. Her performance tonight was exceptional; she was at the top of her game. No one had gained such adulation in such a short period of time.

"Thank-you, Father", she prayed.

Just thinking of it, made her begin to sob tears of joy and appreciation. In between the sobs, she realized she was having trouble catching her breath! What was happening? Heart attack? She managed to get out of the chair and fell onto the floor clutching her throat. She could feel something lodged inside. "I'm choking to death!" Although she was beginning to black out, Marie heard a faint knock at the door. She struggled, gave it all she had and crawled over to grasp the  doorknob. She slowly pulled the door open.

There stood Pete, the Music Hall concierge, holding a tray with a glass of water atop of it. Of course, he was shocked to find her in that condition, but he was able to perform first aid and within seconds out popped a mint candy she'd thought was long dissolved.

"Pete, if it had not been for your thoughtfulness and kindness, I'd surely be dead."

So many high honors surrounded Marie in her dressing room that night, but it was the simple kindness of a glass of water after a tiring performance that mattered the most.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rita and Grady

The gentleness of the breeze off  Evon River was contrary to what was going on upstairs,Hempton Towers, Apartment 2E.

Rita motioned for Grady to come close.She was looking out the window, marveling at the way the moon's glow played on the water. He came over and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Look how the moon is all yellow and bright ...like a big, golden coin...isn't it beautiful?
"Yeah, it's awesome...by the way, where were you today, around noon? I came up and rang your bell... thought you told me you were working in today. I had pizza-trying to have lunch with you!"

"You should have called." Rita eased up from under Grady's hand and plopped down on the couch. She hated to be cross-examined.

"Why you getting a attitude?"

"I'm as close as your cell. You should have called. I had to step out."

"Thought I'd surprise you.... Rita,?" he came and sat by her on the couch,"everything alright?"


Monday, November 12, 2012

From Girl to Woman: Being an adult

I first realized I was an adult when I prepared to move out of my parents' home. My boyfriend (who later became my husband) and I were both feeling "grown" and ready to set up housekeeping together. I'd started breaking curfew and doing other things that would have, in the long run, damaged my relationship with my Mom and Dad. It was time to step up to the plate. Still with this new feeling of adulthood came a heavy dose of regret. I had to muster up the nerve to break the news to my parents.

Even though I was in my late twenties, I had never lived away from their home. Upon high school graduation, when I had the chance to go far away to college, I chose one in my hometown so that I could be close to them. Leaving from their home to live with *Leon had me feeling unsure and exhilarated all at once! I was transitioning from child to adult, taking responsibility for my own actions. It showed a Dad, who teased that I'd be applying for social security benefits at age sixty-five from under his roof, that I was serious about living out  this new feeling of "adultness."

Looking back now, I realize coming to terms with being an adult gave my parents the ability to "exhale." I knew I could always come back home if my new housekeeping venture didn't pan out. But Mom and Dad knew this event was a big step toward autonomy and that once tasting the sweet flavor of freedom, it would be impossible for me to live under their roof again. I never returned.

Realizing you're an adult can sneak up on you and take you by surprise or you can see it coming from a mile away. Being an adult is not measured by how many years you have under your belt, but by how you accept challenges that come your way;  handling life's problems in a mature manner.
*name changed

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dedicated to the mamas that serve on Sunday

Mama! we call as she rushes in the door
gone from early this morning
FINALLY done with the "AMENS"-

she prepares dinner
we are hungry
we are hungry

the pots and pans clanging
are music to our ears
are hymns and Selah
pews and preacher

Jesus is planted in HER heart
we eat
we eat
blessings. Our table is 4ever life.....

Monday, November 5, 2012

True(HOME) love(HOME)is(HOME)waiting(HOME) for(HOME)me


i smell "home" in my juniper- berried mind
deep lavender breathes in the crevices
making me open
to the waiting life air
that longs to greet me there


i giggle in the honey air
that surrounds us
'cause he's funny
and I'm happy...


the sunny air, that invited me in
decides to keep me bright~
daffodils fill in the empty spaces
the smell of pineapple blows
through the crevices, NOW
those that waited? They promise to cover and court forever...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Father, put me on
to your daughter, where is she?
pleasant and sweet like the morning lilacs, your flower
Sincere and real
Living for you in all the ways that matter

Father, put me on
to your son, where is he?
straight, right and righteous, like you planned from the beginning
Sincere and real
Living for you in all the ways that matter

Evil, deceit, lies, phony ghosts
Enough already
Send a reprieve, a cool drink
for a weary traveler...
Father, put me on.

Excerpt from "FAVOR"

"I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"

Today a big, ferocious-looking woman approached me and Q. as we sat timidly on the grey, shelter benches.

"Hey, I don't know if anyone told you or not, but our stuff is over here and WE SIT OVER HERE, MOVE!

She pointed to the other side of the room. 
Q. and I looked at each other, immediately scurried out of her "apt." and relocated ourselves ~

Territory is a big thing at the shelter property. Everyone has their own special space sanctioned off and it is piled up with clothes, furniture, TVs, etc........

Excerpt from "FAVOR"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

In the day, I live in the shelter...in the night I live in Harlem

Around 8:00pm, Q.(my son) and I are dispatched to a little hotel in Harlem, off Lenox Avenue, to spend the night. The school bus carries us off into the breezy evening and I feel free from the dingy gray shelter.
"Oh, look Q, " I say, "there's Sylvia's Soulfood Restaurant, the Lenox Lounge!" I've always loved Harlem...but here we arrive at our destination.

It's seedy and the crackheads are acting "a fool" in the lobby. This can NOT be real as one crackhead picks up a long, steel pipe and threatens the other one. I'm sweating bullets, as I don't want to witness a murder! Things finally calm down and the hotel clerk signs us in, giving us our sheets, towels and toilet paper rations.
We ride the elevator to the 5th floor and push open the door. A guy holding a "40" is standing in the hallway corner, sneering at me and Q. We hurry to our room and lock the door behind us.

The room is not bad. Two single beds and a sink, the bathroom in the hallway. "Yeah, I can spend the night here." Glancing around the room, I look for the obligatory roach.

It's 9pm and Q. and I get ready for bed. You'd be surprised at how tired you can get just sitting around the shelter all day, doing nothing. We are exhausted. I ask Q. if I can leave the light on...he doesn't want to, but he allows it. We open our soda and chips. This is a no-no at the shelter property. It tastes soooo good...the simple things....

We plug the speakers into the CD player. The rapper's crooning and for a minute, I can believe we're on vacation, diggin' the scene....