Monday, April 22, 2013

I believe He'll keep me......

Standing Tall: Embrace a Poised and Confident You!

When you walk into a room, your posture speaks before you utter one word! If you are slouched, it translates as one who is powerless and unsure. If your shoulders are pulled back, chest out, you exude self-confidence!
It's never too late to correct your posture, aligning your spine, with minimum investment, time and anxiety!

Join us and leave your comments, tips, watch videos and get info from experts about how you can get "it" straight!

May 7th  1:00 pm est.
online @

Thank-you and see you there!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stress Relief is in the transforming reshaping garments!

"When you look good in your clothes, not only will you feel better but your confidence can hit new heights" Dr. Chris Livingston.

See these, and many more Ardyss reshapers at :

"An appointment with Ardyss International will change your life!"

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sometimes we know certain people in our lives are toxic, but we hang on to them anyway. They're comfortable, we have history with them, etc.
But once you "lighten the load", a brightness will open up in your life. New opportunities present themselves....the possibilities for love, money and liaisons that will uplift, are limitless!

Stay in the light ♥ FAMILY