Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

We put you in relaxation mode!!!!!

All items are available for sale. For more info, just email me: Thank-you!

Hey! What is in this Strawberry soap! By Paula Brown


Why is it so hard for you to relax after work?
Some people are "hyped" from the time they leave the job at 5pm right up until the time they have to go back to the job the next morning. They watch a little T.V., eat dinner and if they sleep at all, it's restless tossing and turning all night long.

Relaxation after work can be as easy a hot bath with a special soap filled with essential oils or a bath fizzie in an exciting tropical color! YES! and add your favorite calming music and tranquil aroma in the fragrance lamp and you've erased away the most hectic of days.

You ask, "Can it be THAT easy?" "Exhaling" after work is as easy as you let it be. Try it! Initially, try not to complicate it with illicit drugs or alcohol...just use your ears and nose and close your eyes. The agonizing day will seep to the bottom of the bathtub*.  Practice this relaxation ritual at least three times a week and see, feel a happy peaceful difference in no time.

Don't make it hard....just relax.

*No bathtub....a shower won't be as effective, but do it if you have no choice.