Monday, May 7, 2012

How to live with a sterotype!

There are many stereotypes associated with the person that I am. First, let's define stereotype: "A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes".
I'm an unmarried, Black American woman, living in a big city. WOW! See all the stereotypes that pop out at you? LOL. But let's zero in on the "single woman" aspect. Single and lonely is a banner I supposedly wear- Nothing could be further from the truth! I ENJOY my own company, when not with friends. I am never lonely as there are so many outlets for activity, so many ways to expand the mind. Meditation, prayer and problem solving take up a good part of my existence!

No, my name is NOT "single and lonely"and I can live, successfully, with this stereotype and the multitude of others associated with who I am. Yes, I belong to many groups, but I fight and claim my individuality. I am UNIQUE unlike any other human being! Embrace your own unique- ness and you, too, can live free from society's labels!

Definition for "stereotype" from Wikapedia

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