Saturday, June 2, 2012

An open letter to Bitterness

Dear Bitterness,

I saw you downtown today!

I happened to see you today, as I rode the bus downtown to pick up a few things. I glanced out the window and there you were, in front of my old place of employment. Being run from that particular job was to signal my end; as I was left penniless and homeless within weeks of leaving it....

Then I saw you skipping and hopping down the avenue of my old "sweethearts." Men that I had, but didn't have me. Crushing my heart, soul and body. Destruction drooling lies, sweet deceit...

You and I made eye contact, for about a minute, before you darted off again. Yes,I recognized the building you ran in front of next. Playing up and down on the escalator, in front of the hospital where I miscarried a three month old baby boy, Angel.  Afterwards, they put me on the same ward as the mothers that would be bringing their babies home...

I see you frantically run for my bus. Out of breath, you make it and try to sit next to me. The seat appears to be empty and you try to get comfortable next to me! You toss and turn, like some invisible thing keeps you from being at ease! Eventually you run shrieking in pain, off the bus! I see you just standing as we ride off. Oh YES, I did give you "the finger!" DON'T EVER TRY TO SIT DOWN NEXT TO ME AND THINK YOU'LL BE COMFORTABLE!!! They'll never be any room for you!

Experiences have brought you to the place you are today. Pray to love and embrace each and every one of them. Never give bitterness a will never leave.

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