Our girlfriends...can't live without 'em! Sometimes a message chat, call or email just won't do... so, pack your bags and meet for a Girlfriend's Retreat!
These themes have elements that have to be worked out months in advance and for no more than ten ladies, to be effective....Which one would you try?:
1) A Read Away
As a group, have your girlfriends pick and read a novel before meeting for the retreat. Then assign everyone a character from the novel before they leave home. Give them options:
- Cook a recipe, while on retreat, that your character would prepare.
- Come dressed as your assigned character.
- Use your character's speech pattern during the retreat.
- Write and perform a soliloquy based on tension your character presents.
- Write your character's obituary.
It'll be interesting and FUN, to see the novel come to life in front of you and your girlfriends!
Approx. time for retreat= 1week to 10 days
2) Meet My Mentoree
This retreat is for girlfriends mentoring a young lady!
Come together for some fun and family bonding time. Agenda events could include theatre nights, spa, shopping, and roundtables (pick discussion topics in advance)
Cook, eat, laugh, sleep, run, and play!
Approx. time for retreat= 3 days
3) 120 hour Craft-A- Thon
Months in advance, send a survey out to the retreat invitees and ask, "What craft would you like to teach?" Ask them to prepare enough kits for the girlfriends that will be attending the retreat! 10 girlfriends=10 craft kits. Individuals will be responsible for all the "bells and whistles" that go along with their teaching presentation.
Surely, that's going to be a Crafty, good time! It'll be so much fun to learn something new and share something dear to your heart!
Approx. time for retreat= 1 week
There's a time to work....and a Girlfriend's Retreat is a time to play! Make unforgettable memories on these retreats- bond and cement friendships..By the way, Who's got the Handycam?
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