Saturday, September 10, 2011

5 Ways To Bring Creativity into Your Business Meeting!

Looking for ways to bring color and life into your next business meeting? Check these tips:

1)Bring in a guest, someone who is not affiliated with the group, to offer "new eyes" to the business topic at hand. Getting an outsider to come in, will give a shot of new energy!

2)Do an early morning meeting, I mean, like 2A.M.! You can't beat the peace and quiet and sometimes solutions flow better before the city comes alive. Make sure you prepare in the evening before with a nap!

3)Usually meet in your office cubicle? Change the venue! On a nice day, meet in the park! Look into booking a room at your local library. Maybe, a member of your group will allow his home to be used. In other words, change the venue and bring a different "life" to the meeting!

4)Before the meeting, go around and ask everyone what they expect to gain from the meeting-listening to your co-workers' expectations might spark a new idea to come out of you!

5)Change break times! In other words,if you usually break after two hours( for a meal, etc.), hold off and break after four hours. Or break after one hour into the meeting! The idea is to cut new interval paths into the meeting, which will lend itself to a freshness, a brain jolt!

Do you have anything to add to this list? Would love to hear from you! Post right here!

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