Monday, July 15, 2013

True Story.

It was already 10 AM. Church service was to start in just a couple of hours. If I was still living in Brooklyn, where the church was located, I wouldn't have had a need to fret. But since moving to Queens, I was a bus AND subway trip away!
As soon as I leave the house, I'm dreading the mile walk to the bus stop. In my Sunday best, heels and all, the walk appears to have doubled in length. I finally make it to the bus stop. I check my watch and it's bus in sight and I still have to get on the subway.

This particular bus stop is by a major highway and the cars are whizzing by at a very fast pace. I happen to be the only one waiting and I start to sweat after seeing my watch is reading 11:30! Now I'm truly frantic and I start pacing the sidewalk. I'm about to "bug" out when all of a sudden a car slows and pulls up beside me. Inside the car is a woman at the wheel and three children in the back seat. She calls me over.

"Miss, could you tell me if I'm going in the right direction for L.F.T. Church?"

I was absolutely stunned by her question because that's the church where I was going! I replied, "Matter of  fact, you are headed in the right direction...may I get a ride with you?"

She scooted the children over, I hopped in the back seat and we were off to church. We made it in time, too!

Father had sent angels to come to my rescue. Oh, yes she had some logical excuse as to why she was on that unfamiliar highway. A parade had caused her to detour. But I know, the Father was telling me,"I will always help you. I will never forsake you.....

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