Thursday, May 12, 2011

Relaxation is in the air!

Fragrance is very effective in relaxing the mind and body. Fragrance can evoke happy childhood memories. Similarly, sniffing peppermint has been known to induce a mild feeling of euphoria.Ylang ylang is noted to be an antidepressant. It's a well known fact that fragrance can alleviate a headache,ease an upset stomach and open up clogged bronchial tubes.

Today many of us are looking for fragrance alternatives to candles and incense. Some of the reasons for this search is 1) young children and pets in the household. 2) the smoke of these lit instruments stain walls and curtains 3) the smoke is injurious to our health. Here are four substitutes that allow for a flame-free fragrance experience:
A) Diffusers- use fragrance oils on a cotton pad that is inserted into a slot on the device. Some diffusers use enclosed fans to disseminate the contained aroma.
B) Pomanders- usually a container that holds scented materials ie, solid perfume or fragrant herbs.

C) Sprays- Water and fragrance oils mixed together and put into a spray bottle.(Avoid aerosol can sprays)

D)Fragrance Beads- are tiny beads that absorb fragrance oil, emitting aroma into the air.

Fragrance is an effective healing tool. Find the method of introducing fragrance into your home that fits your way of life. Be nose-y!

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