Saturday, July 9, 2011

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

1) Don't perpetuate gossip

Life gets real simple when you no longer participate in "he said, she said" conversations.

2) Get cute plastic containers and bring your lunch from home

Avoid waiting on lines, to get your meal, as part of your lunch hour. Bringing a lunch from home means every minute is devoted to eating

3) Shop in bulk

Many times when we run out of certain personal items, ie, toilet tissue, toothpaste, Advil, our
lives are thrown into a short-lived,tornado.To avoid the drama, buy a membership at a warehouse-type outlet like Costco. You are less likely to be "caught out there."

4) Put up a hook in the kitchen for your keys

Make a habit of placing your keys on a hook on the wall, immediately after coming into the house(let's say in the kitchen). This way you'll never run around looking for a missing car key, house key, etc. again.

5) Do laundry during school hours(between 9 and 3)

Mothers usually do the laundry after picking the kids up from school, bringing them along. It gets real crowded, real noisy, real fast. Avoid the confusion and simplify your life!

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