Saturday, March 10, 2012

Go all the way!

For any number of reasons, our elderly neighbors are not always going to ask for help, if they are in need. Engage them in conversation, playing emotional detective, and extend a hand if any aid is needed! Although helping your elderly neighbors CAN put you two, at risk and vulnerable to the foolish, move forward, eyes open.

If walking an elderly neighbor( holding their arm) down the street to their house, stay alert looking on all sides. A thief will take advantage of the fact that you're distracted and try to steal your pocketbook/wallet.
When accompanying an elderly neighbor to the bank,  whether they're making a withdrawal or deposit, make sure you take all bank slips, account numbers, documents and other correspondence with you, when you leave. Some individuals make it their business to collect loose papers from the floor, desks, etc. for criminal activity. Collecting all paperwork will protect against identity theft!
While at the grocery store with your elderly friend, examine the area for suspicious "do-gooders" lingering near the check-out counter. Many times their desire to help, is just them waiting for an opportunity to walk off with your items. Keep your wits about you; have roving eyes!

Don't let the fact that there exists an element just waiting for you to "drop your guard", keep you from taking your elderly neighbor around to take care of their business in a friendly way. If we stay alert and aware, we can help our elderly, while staying safe.

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