Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Negative seeds vs. Positive Seeds

Talking to our teens can really try our patience sometimes. But let's check what we say and how we say it to them. Remember your own teen years; it was not an easy time. I'm not saying "baby" them...just add extra helpings of understanding and respect!Promote good feelings instead of negative ones. For example:

Instead of saying, "What are you going to do with your life?" SAY "Here's a website I came across that features some of the best opportunities of 2012. Take a look at it this evening."

Instead of saying, :Don't stay up watching TV all won't be able to get up in the morning! SAY, "For a change, try turning in early...a good night's sleep makes the next day's vision so clear!"

Instead of saying, "Your diet's lousy..must you drink so much soda? SAY  "Brought a juicer today and a bunch of carrots. How does a carrot/banana shake sound?"

Instead of saying, "You leave the kitchen a mess after you make your sandwich, why can't you clean up after yourself?" SAY "So far, so good, no bugs! Clean up after yourself and I guarantee we'll never have to deal with pests. One less problem for us."

Instead of saying,"Does_______always have to hang around here? Doesn't he have a home?" SAY, "I would like to get to know_______ a little better. This weekend, let's plan an outing to the movies and dinner treat!

You get the idea. What other scenarios can you come up with? I look forward to seeing your positive comments. Put it into will work.

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