Monday, May 14, 2012

Simplify living in close quarters with one another!

As apartment rents rise, people are opting to share residences. As adults, a lot of habits have been formed ( in indelible ink, LOL), but when living with others we have to take our roommates' practices into consideration. It will simplify the experience. To keep the peace, bear in mind the suggestions below:

1)Respect the privacy of your roomies- Don't look into others' belongings and/or food in the fridge. Don't listen to phone conversations or "peek."

2) Keep fragrance and odors down- You may love to spray Red Rose air freshener all around, but it may make your roomie feel sick. Refrain from releasing overly perfumy smells into the shared atmosphere.

3) Clean up after yourself- Did you make a sandwich on the kitchen counter? Please wipe your crumbs away. Don't leave your "juices" on the toilet seat! You're  not in that much of a hurry!

4) Meet and Greet- A "hi" upon arriving, does wonders to build a "happy place" in your shared residence. Other "happy place" builders are "good-bye", "thank-you", and "I won't happen again."

5) It's not a library, but- Please don't slam doors or stomp. Keep the volume on your T.V. moderate and save the loud sing-a-longs for Karaoke night at the club!

Sharing living spaces CAN work! Strive to live the Golden Rule ( "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") and it will be a beneficial experience for all parties!
Do you have anything to add? Leave your helpful comments below-Thank-you!

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