Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to make your lettuce and tomato salad SHOUT!

Jazz up your lettuce and tomato salad by adding these unconventional ingredients:

1) For a hearty punch, add sardines! They are an extremely good source of iron.

2) To effortlessly add Vitamin E, shake in some sunflower seeds! They are rich in cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.

3) Add green seedless grapes; the additional fiber will help you feel full longer!

4) Cube and add Brie. It's low fat and a change from the cottage cheese!

5) Corn kernels ( off the cob) add a nice healthy sweetness. There's a tremendous amount of Vitamin C in those golden nibblets!

Although you don't usually see these additives on a salad, these ingredients will add excitement to your lettuce and tomato mixture!
New ideas to list? Please leave your friendly comments below! Thank-you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Five Ways to promote your Online Store

An online store can only be profitable, if the buying public knows about it!  Follow these tips and get the word out!

1) Add an informative signature to your outgoing emails.
Adding a signature to your outgoing emails, is a marketing tool that keeps on giving. As your emails travel around the internet, so does your logo, your tagline, your website link- picking up inquiries about your business along the way!

2) Use QR codes on t-shirts, totebags and posters.
A QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode. Assign any data to it (website link, contact info, sign-up info.) Put it on posters, t-shirts, etc. and ask the buying public to decode it with their Smartphones. They instantly get connected with you and your merchandise.

3) Become an internet radio guest.
Internet radio is always looking for interesting guests. Formulate a presentation, call a moderator you'd like to work with and move forward to bring your products to the buying public via the airwaves!

4) Start a You-Tube channel.
Create a number of videos via your You Tube channel. Lively and informative videos will be shared and travel all around the world. Promote your business far and wide.

5) Join and be active in online communities that pertain to your business and products.
There are many roundtable discussions on the www. that pertain to your business and your products. Introduce yourself and join in the conversation, answer questions and lend an ear. Drop information about yourself and what you do, when invited to do so! Watch your business soar!

Enhance the presence of your online store with these tips. Have potential customers lining up to come into your establishment for your awesome wares!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Birthday, promotion, baby shower? Make your friend a personalized gift bag!

Let's say your friend Maggie's just gotten a promotion on her job; make her a personalized gift bag. Fill it with goodies that sing to her heart!
Maggie's an avid reader of mystery novels. Decide what kind of container you want to use ( paper, plastic, or fabric) and decorate it with an assortment of stickers, pictures, charms and beads. Fill it with the latest book by her favorite author, a fancy bookmark, a magnifier for reading, a few exotic flavored tea bags and a fragrant envelope of potpourri!
She'll love the fact that you took the time to construct a special gift, personalized just for her! This type of gift beats the "cold" gift card and has "you're special to me", written all over it! Try it and tell us here, in the comments, how your unique gift was received!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Drowning in His love...

Tip Tell #10

I was in my neighborhood thrift shop on one of my many excursions for something different and cheap (smiles), when my eyes ran across the magazine rack. There were so many cooking magazines....69 cents a pop!

Looking for new and exciting cooking ideas? Pick up food magazines from your local thrift shop! Magazines that were $4.00- $6.00 are now 25 cents- $1.00! Yes, you could get new recipes off the internet, but cutting out pictures, recipes from the magazines you've purchased and making a colorful index file with them, is FUN! It also is something to be shared from friend to friend for years to come!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tip Tell #9

Learn to cook old family favs by asking a family elder if you can watch, next time they "burn them pots". Ask someone whose meals you enjoyed as a youth. Watch and ask questions as they work. Nine out of ten times, it'll be a compliment and they'll be happy to help you.
Write down some significant tips, ask to stir (smiles) and introduce your children to the delicious meals you enjoyed as a child!

How did you learn how to cook your family favs? Please share your helpful comments below! Thank-you!

Monday, July 16, 2012


One of my earliest memories is of me being a five year old little girl. My mother picked me up from school at noon as I was in kindergarten and stayed only a half session- until lunchtime.I'd gotten a cheese sandwich from the school cafeteria just before she arrived to take me home. Although I knew she had a hot lunch waiting for me, I just had to have that cheese sandwich. Most kids had no choice but to get one. I just wanted to fit in.

On the way home, we stopped at the shoe repair shop. As mother chats with the clerk, I go and sit in one of the booths. Back in the day, the shoe repair shop had booths where you sat while your shoes were getting fixed. I opened the wax paper containing the sandwich and it plopped down on the floor, cheese side down! I was distraught, Very upset and crying, mother took me by the hand and led me out of the shop. She thought it was so funny.

"I sweat over a hot stove to fix you a hot meal and here you are crying over a cold, day-old cheese sandwich."

As young children, we fail to appreciate the sacrifices our mothers make, the big and "little" ones.
"Thank-you, Ma, for ALL the sacrifices....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

You don't like it?... Work on changing it TODAY!

It is important to love what you see in the mirror. If you don't... CHANGE IT! I'm not talking about having the most fabulous wardrobe or the flashiest jewelry; I'm talking about your body. If you're not happy with your appearance, you'll hide away and with you will go all of those wonderful gifts that we need so badly.

So what is it?  What, if anything, don't you like?
(you fill in the blanks)
Whatever it is, work on fixing it for you...NOT THE WORLD!
We need you out here, so fix whatever you don't like!

Grilling out? Try this delish Herb Butter recipe!

Rosemary Herb Butter

It's hard to find anything this butter is NOT good on. Try a dab of this melted on steak or lamb chops. It's also good with fish, chicken and potatoes.

2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves, removed from the stem
1/2 teaspoon orange or lemon zest
1 tablespoon orange or lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon crushed red chile pepper
1 stick butter, softened

Combine all of the ingredients. Make a log by spreading the mixture across a length of waxed paper. Roll the log back and forth to make a smooth tube about 1 1/2 inches thick. Twist the ends and store in the refrigerator or wrap airtight and store in the freezer.
Marlene Parrish

Monday, July 9, 2012

E is for express yourself!

It's raining outside...they can't go out to play! But before you let them jump on the computer, gather all the little ones (6-12 years old)  and have them to "Get their create on!" Below are 5 suggestions:

1)Paint and color crafts: Always purchase washable, non-toxic paints and crayons for creative arts with 6-12 year old folks! Make paper and safety scissors plentiful and  let their imaginations run wild!

2) Pantomime: Expand little minds by having them act out a "show me" skit. For example: "Show me a happy boy."
"Show me a crying baby."
"Show me your favorite teacher writing on the blackboard."
Have the "crowd" vote on the one they liked the best!

3) Bake - Under your watchful eye, let little ones mix the ingredients for their favorite cupcake recipe. You pour, they stir!

4) Collectively write a story: You (the adult) start a story with a funny opening sentence. Ask every child to add a couple of lines. After accumulating, say 20 lines, read it back to them for a sidesplitting laugh!

5) Make bookmarks: Reading is STILL fundamental, so get out the popsicle sticks, decals, yarn, ribbons, non-toxic glue and encourage your little ones to make page markers. Have them make several for themselves and friends!

Use "inside days" to teach little ones about self-expression! When you do, you lay the groundwork for passion and empathy to reign in their adult lives!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 great ways to start your morning right!

1) Meditation of thanks- Upon waking, however you want to do it, give thanks to your Higher Power. Bless the force that is bigger than you!

2) Invigorating shower- Get the Mint and  Eucalyptus scrub off the shelf and enjoy the wake-up call! Let the shower head flow, spray directly in your face!

3) Eat Breakfast- Whether it's hearty or just a glass of juice, break the overnight fast!

4) Stretch and move your limbs- Either take a quick walk around the block or do a few sit-ups and waist bends, before leaving for your daily activity!

5) Affirmation- Write and post a "positive" on your front door that you'll tell yourself, right before you step out!

These 5 tips are a "set-up" for a glorious morning!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to stay healthy, when keeping a busy schedule

These days, our schedules are filled to the brim- work, family, friends... every minute of our day is filled with activity! Sometimes eating a  healthy meal takes a backseat to a quick run to the vending machine, a speedy pack of cookies or a swift snatch at a bag of potato chips. How can you eat healthy while on the run?

The next time you're at the supermarket, put these items in your cart:
  • pumpkin seeds- high in zinc and magnesium
  • raisins- high in Vit.C and potassium
  • strawberries- high in Vit. C, copper and fluorine
  • soy crackers- healthier than potato chips
  • granola bars- healthier than cookies
also include sandwich, ziplock bags!

Make up three ziplock bags of your "new' snacks for each work day and every day put them in your pocketbook, briefcase, knapsack. This will help you to avoid those runs to wherever unhealthy snacks live! *smiles* The increased energy level these snacks provide, will help you make it until you can sit down in front of a healthy, balanced meal.

Just because our schedules are jammed packed, doesn't mean we must miss out on healthy nutrients! Snack soundly and enjoy that healthy home cooked meal as soon as you can exhale! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012