Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I am bored!

When I was growing up, we didn't have the internet, cellphones, electronic games and the myriad of other wonders of the information age. We barely had television and a phonograph (the "thing" you play records on!) Now you're asking, "What are records?" (LOL)  Anyway......

How can one say, "I am bored?" What a person is really saying is that, I've run out of creative ways to use the tools that are in my control. Take your tools and challenge yourself to use them to help bring relief to another. For instance, go to your computer and look up the V.A. hospital in your area. Find the person in charge of the volunteer department and connect to write cards of encouragement or see if you can come into the hospital to read to a veteran who doesn't get any visitors.

Do you own a cellphone? Go to the local women's shelter and let one of the clients use your phone to make an appointment, reach out to a family member, etc. I know for a fact, that not having to drop those quarters in a payphone would be a much appreciated gift!

Get the idea? You are not bored. Stretch your your neighbor while  discovering  new and exciting ways to use the means you already have in your possession.

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